Human life in this world actually has two meanings. Two meanings life is actually also a promise of a man to the Creator before human beings are born into this world. Two meanings life itself is God's command to be executed during the life of the world. Are the two meanings life?
Javanese people know these two meanings of life that is tansah eling manembah Marang Gusti Allah (this is the term the essence of human creation) lan sak chic frontier Marang-padaning urip (and this is hereinafter referred to as Shari'a). The meaning of life is known by the Java community is also known in the teachings of Islam with the term Hablum Minnallah (always associated with God) and Hablum Minan Naas (do something nice fellow.)
Two of the meaning of life we must always remember. The reason is, if we do not remember the two meanings life, then we will be exposed to the disaster caused by our own. For example, we do not do good to fellow humans, then directly or indirectly, we will not favor any other human being who is all around us. It's still a problem denganmanusia relationship. Now, if the relationship with God instead should be better again. If the enemy of man, we can still act arrogant by saying not need help from the so and so is hostile to us, but if the enemy by Gusti Allah, to whom we take refuge and ask aegis of living?
Two of the essence of life that is what we hold in life. By karenaitu, let us two meanings of biological life before moving on Gustavo worship God who is perfect. It's as proof that we have run what God commanded Gusti kang Just, to embrace his love.
In an other opinion is that mengatkan that Shari'a and esential are two things is not separated, each has profound differences but should be balanced between each other.
Shari'a without essence like a lifeless creature, shari'ah without esential is futile and contrary esential without the shari'ah is blind.Balancing keep these two things is a requirement to bring the message of Allah SWT to rohmatan lil 'alamin meaning of the above embodiment is an application of Shari'a and Islamic esential. (wallahua'lam bishshowab)
Posted by Mohammad Al Akbar, Published at 22:22 and have
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